Alone we can do so little;
together we can do so much
Helen Keller

We are very happy to present our new website that has been a long time in the making. I had an idea that needed to take shape. Thank you Peter for your “sensitivity” and understanding of the project and for supporting me from the very beginning. Thank you Yolanda for saying “yes” to all of my ideas and turning them into something so much better than I could ever have imagined. Thanks to my fantastic team, whom I am very proud of and thanks to all of you who have collaborated both directly and indirectly with us. Without you none of this would have been possible.

Can Sabaté Director:
Cristina Pont @cristinapontcarbonell Models: Laura Otero @laurastrac Carla Hurtado @hurtado__carla Carlota Domenech @carlota.domenechp Anna Sánchez @anna2303 Carles Sala @salacarles Lucas Martínez @lukkass9 Kids: Jan Navarro Gina Sánchez |
Film by:
Pedro Sánchez @peterofthespoon Photography: Salva López @salvalopez Art Direction & Graphic Design: Petitcomite.net @petitcomitestudi Special Thanks to: Sergi the sheperd Raquel Alonso Emma Romero Familia Calvet Little Creative Factory |